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Remote signage to warn of moose ahead


In the past few years, there have been in excess of 1,000 collisions between cars and moose in Norway. With a fully-grown moose being as tall as the average car, it’s not surprising that accidents involving moose are usually very serious and often fatal for the animal, driver and passengers.

Moose are most active at sunrise and sunset; on a full moon, the likelihood of moose collisions increases.

On impact, a moose can be thrown into the passenger compartment through the windscreen. Seatbelts offer no protection and airbags may not deploy. Current warning signs are often ignored, relying on drivers’ vigilance alone.


Coeval introduced a new Hazard Warning System using radar and GMS communication to alert drivers of ‘Stor elgfare’ (or ‘Big moose danger’) and any real-time danger of moose in the vicinity.

A moose database sends a GMS text message signal to the hazard sign when there is historically likely to be a high risk of moose beside or crossing the road – or when park wardens report moose activity in the vicinity. This activates the hazard sign to start flashing when approaching vehicles are detected, alerting drivers to the increased potential danger. The sign remains active for one hour following the initial activation message. Blinking signs can be positioned at varying distances along the road depending upon the level of risk.

Key Highlights

  • Highly visible hazard warning sign
  • Alerts drivers to the possible risk of moose on the road ahead
  • Warning signs triggered by GSM from historic database or live reports of animals
  • Ultra low powered solar solution deployed in locations where no mains power is available (only 3-4 daylight hours required to recharge the batteries)

Coeval developed a new ultra low solar-powered battery solution to enable non-mains power operation despite the long winter nights and only 3-4 daylight hours at northern latitudes. The system can also provide daily traffic data to a dedicated database. This innovative product can be adapted to warn road users of other hazards, including migrating and wild animals.

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